My Thesis
My Honours Thesis was titled "Intelligent processing, storage and visualisation of dictionary information"
The thesis paper in various formats is available for download.
The research introduced Kirrkirr a java based graphical interface for visualising a structured e-dictionary. More information can now be found on the Kirrkirr website.
Publications / Conferences
AusWeb99 - 5th Australian WWW Conference - Ballina, NSW
K. Jansz, C. Manning, and N. Indurkhya.
“Kirrkirr: Interactive Visualisation and Multimedia From A Structured Warlpiri Dictionary”
Proceedings of AusWeb99, pp. 302-316
XML/SGML Asia Pacific 99 - Sydney, NSW
K. Jansz
“Kirrkirr: A Java-based visualisation tool for XML dictionaries of Australian Languages”
AusWeb2K - 6th Australian WWW Conference - Cairns, QLD
K. Jansz, J. Wee Sng, N. Indurkhya, and C. Manning
“Using XSL and XQL For Efficient Customised Access To Dictionary Information”
Proceedings of AusWeb2K, pp 167-181
ALLC / ACH 2000 - Literary and Linguistic Computing - Glasgow, Scotland
C. Manning, K. Jansz, N. Indurkhya
“Kirrkirr: Software for browsing and visual exploration of a structured Warlpiri dictionary”
ALLC / ACH 2000, Literary and Linguistic Computing, Volume 16, Issue 2: 2001, pp. 135-151